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State and County Climate Actions

Our commissioners are dedicated to taking climate action this year. Follow along with the progress each department is making towards their goals. 

Renewable Energy

Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress

Provide support and resources to deploy renewable energy and meet Hawaiʻi’s Renewable Portfolio Standards.

Clean Transportation

Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress

Support state offices transition their vehicles to zero emissions vehicles by 2035. 


Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress
Complete the tasks outlined in the Hawaii Pathways to Decarbonization Report. 

Renewable Energy

Department of Hawaiian Homelands

In Progress

Retrofit and add photovoltaic and storage to existing facilities. Investigate opportunities for geothermal energy deployment.

Emissions Inventory

Department of Health

In Progress
Develop and update the statewide GHG emission inventories showing carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions.

Fleet Electrification

Department of Land and Natural Resource

In Progress
Purchase electric or hybrid vehicles for the Engineering Division. 

Solar Installation

Department of Land and Natural Resources

In Progress

Install photovoltaic systems with battery back up to baseyard facility buildings. 

Distributed Energy

Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority

In Progress
Develop a demonstration project for distributed energy resources.

Clean Transportation

Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress

Support the Department of Transportation to meet the goals of the Navahine settlement.

Solar Adoption

Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress

Support the Department of Transportation to meet the goals of the Navahine settlement.

Clean Energy/ Transportation

Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority

In Progress
Foster projects that address greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy and clean transportation.

Energy Efficiency

Hawaii County

In Progress

Optimize energy efficiency in county facilities.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan

Department of Transportation

In Progress

Finalize the plan to build out the pedestrian, bike & transit network in partnership with the Counties in 5-years

Low Carbon Transportation Materials Program

Department of Transportation

In Progress
Prepare stakeholders for Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) requirements in 2026.

Hydrogen Fuel Cargo Handling

Department of Transportation

In Progress

Implement a pilot project to test hydrogen-fueled cargo handling equipment in Honolulu Harbor

Clean Transportation

Hawaii County

In Progress

Initiate projects to support transition to zero emission vehicles.

SolSmart Solar

Hawaii County

In Progress

Achieve “SolSmart” designation and accelerate and remove barriers for clean affordable solar.

Energy Efficiency Rebates

Hawaii State Energy Office

Applications Yet to Open
Provide residential energy upgrades for low- and moderate-income Hawaiʻi households. 

Integrating equity in Planning

City and County CCSR Office

In Progress
Advance equity and recognize the role of indigenous knowledge in planning documents.

Equity for Native Hawaiians

Department of Hawaiian Homelands

In Progress
Participate in State and County efforts to prioritize equity issues for native Hawaiians.  

Hawaiian homestead Resilience

Department of Hawaiian Homelands

In Progress
Implement the “Developing Community Resiliency for Molokai Coastal Homesteads” project

Equity Office Partnership

Department of Health

In Progress
Partner with the Office of Health Equity to develop equitable programs

Communications Strategy

Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority

In Progress
Hire a communications contractor experienced in education and outreach to under represented and over burdened communities

Solar for all

Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority

In Progress

Utilize financing exclusively for low-income households and disadvantaged communities. 

Equity Goals

Department of Transportation

In Progress

Establish and integrate equity goals into policies and processes

Building Performance

Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress
Adopt a Building Performance Standard to improve energy efficiency of commercial buildings.

Hazard Mitigation

Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress
Fund the mitigation projects under the Hazard Mitigation grant Program including battery backup for medical needs.

Emergency response

Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress
Conduct training and activate emergency response for natural disasters.

Building Performance

Hawaii County

In Progress
Partner with HSEO to adopt a Building Performance Standard.

Climate Adaptation Strategy

City and County CCSR Office

In Progress
Implement actions in the Climate Adaptation Strategy 

Irrigation Generators

Department of Agriculture

In Progress
Provide generators for irrigation systems in preparation for Public Safety Power Shutoff.

Disaster preparedness

Hawaii Tourism Authority

In Progress
Increase visitor and business awareness of the emergency response plan.

Resilient Development

Hawaii Community Development Authority

In Progress
Develop climate resilient design and siting for buildings in the Kakaʻako and Kalaeloa development districts.

Waikiki action plan

City and County CCSR Office

In Progress
Create an action plan for Waikiki including a risk profile and actions for infrastructure resilience.

Risk Assessment

Department of Hawaiian Homelands

In Progress
Analyze hazards on DHHL land and contribute to hazard and vulnerability plans.

General Plan

Department of Hawaiian Homelands

In Progress
Emphasize climate, sea level and community resilience in the department General Plan. 

Climate Adaptation

Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority

In Progress
Prepare infrastructure for resilience to sea level rise, extreme weather and climate change. 

Resiliency Financing

Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority

In Progress
Connect borrowers to affordable capital to implement resiliency measures.

Flood mitigation

Department of Land and Natural Resources

In Progress
Reduce flood risk through improvement to DLNR facilities.

Resiliency Education

Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority

In Progress
Promote Play Books for households to gauge their resiliency.

Sea Level Rise Vulnerability

Department of Hawaiian Homelands

In Progress
Participate in ongoing efforts to analyze sea level rise and coastal hazard vulnerability.

Disaster preparedness

Department of Aquatic Resources

In Progress
Develop disaster and emergency response plans and conduct trainings.


Hawaii County

In Progress
Establish shoreline setbacks to reduce the risk of coastal hazards.

Wildfire Evacuation Study

Hawaii County

Pending RFP
Conduct a wildfire evacuation traffic study for Waikoloa Village.

Disaster preparedness

Department of Aquatic Resources

In Progress
Develop disaster and emergency response plans and conduct trainings.


Hawaii County

In Progress
Establish shoreline setbacks to reduce the risk of coastal hazards.

Kahmehameha Highway coastal resilience

Department of Transportation

In Progress
Significantly progress the Kamehameha Highway Coastal Resilience Long Range Plan – Hauʻula to Kualoa, to be completed in 2026.

Port Adaptation Plan

Department of Transportation

In Progress
Develop digital twins for nine commercial ports to support a statewide port adaptation plan.  

Airport emergency plans

Department of Transportation

In Progress
Ensure airport emergency plans are current and encourage airport tenants to incorporate resiliency and sustainability practices in infrastructure projects and their operations.    

Staff Training

Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress
Hire an outside firm to train staff in cultural competency.

Kūkulu Ola & Kahu ʻāina

Hawaii Tourism Authority

In Progress
Update eligibility criteria for the programs to favor community initiatives and traditional ecological knowledge.

Place Based Knowledge

Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority

In Progress
Establish partnerships with cultural organizations to incorporate place based knowledge into planning.

Place Based Management

Department of Aquatic Resources

In Progress
Support community initiatives which strengthen connection to the place. 

Native Practices

Department of Aquatic Resources

In Progress
Host wetland workshops which share Native Hawaiian restoration practices.

Indigenous knowledge

Department of Health

In Progress
Incorporate indigenous knowledge in the Climate and Health Working Group.

Native Hawaiian Participation

Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority

In Progress
Organize outreach to descendants with ties to the HOST Park land. 

Native Hawaiian Consutation

Department of Transportation

In Progress
Complete a Native Hawaiian Consultation Protocol.


Hawaii County

In Progress
Build community voice and root work in place-based knowledge through participatory storytelling training. 

Energy Storage

Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority

In Progress
Finance energy storage systems for household resilience

Clean Transportation

Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress
Fund the replacement of medium/heavy duty vehicles with battery electric vehicles through federal grants.

Financial Education

Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority

In Progress
Provide financial literacy education and resources to plan for climate change.

Transportation options

Kauai County

In Progress
Accelerate mode shift through completion of the County Path and Bikeways Master Plan and Safety Action Plan.

Clean Transportation

Department of Health

In Progress
Fund diesel emissions reduction through federal grants. 

Lender Assistance

Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority

In Progress
Support growth and deployment of a workforce to implement the Solar For All grant. 

Fuel Supply and repowereing

Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress
Develop a strategy to reduce costs, emissions and attract investment to the electricity sector via an alternative fuels and repowering analysis.

Funding opportunities

Department of Transportation

In Progress
Support state and county agencies in training to access federal funding and grants.

Cesspool Conversions

Department of Hawaiian Homelands

In Progress
Convert cesspools in high priority areas.

Qurator Program

Hawaii Tourism Authority

In Progress
Support the Qurator Program and provide environmental badges for businesses which demonstrate efforts to reduce waste, emissions,  water and energy use. 

Zero Waste Program

Hawaii County

In Progress
Launch a Zero Waste pilot program.

Carbon accreditation and recycling

Department of Transportation

In Progress
Accredit airports to Carbon Accreditation Level 3 and continue hosting recycling drives

Haze control

Department of Health

In Progress
Implement the Regional Haze Rule to reduce greenhouse gasses and protect visibility at National Parks.

Wetland Partnerships

Department of Aquatic Resources

In Progress

Build community partnerships at wetland restoration sites. 

Regenerative Tourism

Hawaii Tourism Authority

In Progress
Promote regenerative and climate smart practices through updating the criteria for the Kahu ʻĀina program.

Wildfire Safety

County of Kauai

In Progress

Require new developments to have multiple access points, and other wildfire safety measures including buffers between wildland areas and fuel reduction zones.

Native Plant Investigation

Department of Aquatic Resources

In Progress
Investigate the capacity of native aquatic plants to sequester carbon.

Wetland Protection

Department of Aquatic Resources

In Progress
Implement the Protection and Restoration Strategy for Wetlands.

Mitigating pollution

Department of Hawaiian Homelands

In Progress
Mitigate land-based pollution and emissions via the ʻĀina Mauna Legacy Program, federal grants and related huis.

Destination Management

Hawaii Tourism Authority

In Progress
Increase areas that offer shuttle services to visitors following the model of Haena State Park.

Fishpond restoration

Department of Transportation

In Progress
Engage with the community and support a fishpond restoration project.

Facility Emissions

Department of Health


Ensure power producing facilities  are in compliance with required emissions caps.

Climate and Health program

Department of Health

Continue to build the Climate Change and Health Program.

County collaborative team

Department of Health

In Progress

Lead the County Collaborative Team in hosting health public awareness campaigns.

Department Facilities

Department of Health

In Progress
Address internal procedures to reduce the carbon footprint of Department facilities.

One Water plan

City and County CCSR Office

In Progress

Participate in the Board of Water Supply City One Water Plan to plan for the impacts of climate change on water resources. 

Salt pan restroration

County of Kauai

In Progress
Complete the Habitat Restoration Planning, Engineering and Design for Salt Pond Beach Park and Historic Salt Pans at Hanapēpē project.

Sea level rise evaluation

Department of Land and Natural Resources

In Progress
Evaluate Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation facilities for sea level rise and identify improvements.

Coral Reef Resilience

Department of Aquatic Resources

In Progress
Engage community groups in coral reef restoration for bleaching resilience. 

Coral reef modeling

Department of Aquatic Resources

In Progress

Conduct statewide modeling of coral reef restoration scenarios and coastal protection benefits. 

Ocean acidification advocacy

Department of Aquatic Resources

In Progress
Increase public understanding of ocean acidification via bill development and adoption.

Makai Restoration Action Plan

Department of Aquatic Resources

In Progress

Complete and implement the Makai Restoration Action Plan to enhance protection of coastal ecosystems.

Water Reuse Financing

Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority

In Progress

Incentivize water reuse for residential developments via financing. 

Youth Program

Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority


Continue the HOST Park tour program for K-12 students to learn about the importance of sustainable energy and environmental stewardship.

Youth Transportation council

Department of Transportation


Convene quarterly meetings to advise on climate mitigation and adaptation

Data analytics

Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress
Develop a state governance framework for energy data to create common data standards across the state’s energy sector.

Climate Awareness

City and County CCSR Office

In Progress

Host and attend events to foster climate awareness, and update climate action plans.

Green Business Awards

Hawaii State Energy Office

Continue to support the Hawaii Green Business Awards.

Community engagement

Department of Health

In Progress
Continue hosting tables at outreach events, participating in the Climate and Health Working Group, and facilitating public awareness campaigns.

Workforce Development

Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress

Continue the Good Jobs Hawaiʻi program to increase training and employment in the renewable energy sector.

Interagency collaboration

Department of Agriculture

In Progress
Collaborate with other government agencies on climate solutions. 

Adaptation and action plan

County of Kauai

In Progress
Complete and adopt the Kauai County Climate Adaptation and Action Plan.

East Kauai Community Plan

County of Kauai

In Progress

Integrate climate change, pre-disaster recovery planning and adaptation solutions to the East Kauai Community and Circulation Plan and incorporate community feedback.

Education, Outreach and Engagement

Hawaii State Energy Office

In Progress
Inform the public on costs and benefits of the energy transition using federal funding, and the Clean Energy Wayfinders Program.

Energy Education

Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority

In Progress

Create a best practices Play Book  for participants to use when adopting solar. 


County of Kauai

Maintain the Climate Adaptation and Action plan website as a community resource.

Proactive Outreach

Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority

In Progress
Continue direct outreach at community events. 

State agency Collaboration

Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority

In Progress

Collaborate with state agencies to raise awareness of programs. 

Community outreach

Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority

In Progress

Engage the West Hawaii community through events.

Community Partnerships

Hawaii County

In Progress

Collaborate with Community Based Organizations on Climate Change projects.

Working Groups

Hawaii County

In Progress

Establish working groups for climate action and support sustainability working groups

Public information

Hawaii County

In Progress
Develop a comprehensive public information program for the Office of Sustainability, Climate, Equity, and Resilience 


Hawaii County

Continue participation in various working group, hui and network meetings.


Department of Transportation

In Progress
Collaborate with the Climate Commission to integrate the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan into the Commission Action Plan.