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Hawaii Climate Week 2023

Mahalo for joining Hawaii climate week 2023

Mahalo nui loa to the participants, planners, speakers, and others who helped make Hawaiʻi Climate Week 2023 possible! Your input and dedication to exploring solutions to climate change are key to become Climate Ready Hawaii. We appreciate your willingness to act as a partner in addressing the climate emergency and explore collaborative, sustainable approaches to mitigating climate change.

Youth climate advocates exemplified the passion, knowledge, and collaboration needed to successfully fight climate change.

Missed any of the events, or interested in revisiting Climate Week events? Recordings of certain events are available online.

  • Hawaiʻi Climate Action Day (Hawaiʻi State Climate Conference, 1/9/2023). Learn about what problems has climate change caused in the state and how are we addressing them. Looking through the lens of natural solutions, we will explore the challenges and solutions of climate change in Hawaiʻi.  Speeches include Governor Josh Green’s remarks on state climate change action, making communities cool, safe, and accessible, shoreline maintenance, youth climate action, climate legislation, and mobility. Click here to watch a recording of Climate Action Day.
Gov. Josh Green, DLNR Director Dawn Chang, OPSD Director Scott Glen
Governor Josh Green, pictured here with State Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission Co-Chairs Dawn Chang, DLNR and Scott Glenn, OPSD.
  • Hawaiʻi Climate Adaptation Science Summit (Hosted by PI-CASC, 1/10-11/2023). Listen to researchers, resource managers, officials, practitioners, and other science-users working on climate change impacts and adaptation for ecosystems and communities in Hawaiʻi and around the Pacific. Learn more about climate adaptation science for managing changing conditions in three topical themes: drought and wildfire in the Pacific Islands, integrated watershed science, sea-level rise adaptation science. Recordings of the summit will be available here.
  • Pacific Island Women Leaders at COP27: Outcomes and Ways Forward (EWCA Affinity Group: Women, Leadership and Sustainability, 1/11/2023). On 20 November, the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27), which took place in the Egyptian coastal city of Sharm el-Sheikh, concluded with a historic decision to establish and operationalize a loss and damage fund, which Pacific Islands have been critical in advocating for. This discussion featured an analysis of the Conference’s outcomes by four women from Hawaiʻi who attended the COP. A recording of this discussion is available here
  • 20th Anniversary of the Hawai’i Energy Policy Forum (1/12/2023).  This forum examined strategic alliances for decarbonization and energy self-sufficiency on a statewide, national, and international level. Discussions centered on decarbonization, renewable integration, Hawaiʻi’s Climate Pledge, mālama ʻāina, and community resiliency. US Deputy Secretary of Energy David Turk and Governor Green offered remarks on Hawaiʻi’s unique opportunity to lead the nation and the world in the fight against climate change. A recording of select panels is available for viewing here.

Other events included a Youth Climate Summit (pictured below) to support youth civic engagement and collaboration. Although Climate Week 2023 is finished, we invite you to continue persevering in the fight against climate change, and to come back for Climate Week 2024!

Youth Climate Forum Photo