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Oʻahu Mobility Hub Study

What is a mobility hub ?

A mobility hub is a place where people can seamlessly connect with multiple modes of transportation in a shared location. Mobility hubs provide physical integration among transportation modes by co-locating carshare, bikeshare, and other shared-mobility services close to public transit stops and residential developments. With their physical presence and clear, prominent branding, these spaces offer visibility to and connection between public transit and shared mobility services that in turn support multimodal living and reduced dependence on personal cars.   Mobility hubs are an important strategy to reduce ground transportation emissions, by making it easier for people to connect to cleaner modes of transportation in a safe, comfortable, and accessible environment.  

Multi-Modal Transportation Centre, Kaohs 1
Transbay Transit Centre, San Francisco 1

About the Oʻahu Mobility Hub Study

O‘ahu has more ways to get around than ever before – from Biki bikeshare to scooters, Drive Hui car share to ride hailing.  But the many benefits of the expansion of mobility options can only be realized if they are integrated into a coherent network of efficient transportation options that lets people get where they need to go, using the mode that makes the most sense for a particular trip.

The Oʻahu Mobility Hub Study will identify one to three candidate locations for mobility hubs across the island.  To do this, a state parking inventory will be updated, refined, and mapped, including utilization rates.  The study will also develop typologies and a location analysis to best inform decision-making for site selection, design, and programming according to mobility needs and other priorities.  Finally, the study will develop an implementation plan to help guide next steps to see through the potential construction of the identified mobility hub(s).