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An assessment of Hawaii’s roads and highways in vulnerable coastal areas. A central focus is the costs of coastal erosion and road degradation brought on by sea level rise impacts.   Oceana Francis, Ph.D., P.E., Horst Brandes, Ph.D., P.E., Guohui Zhang, Ph.D., David Ma, Ph.D. State of Hawaii Department of Transportation Highways Division   https://hidot.hawaii.gov/highways/files/2019/09/State-of-Hawaii-Statewide-Coastal-Highway-Program-Report_Final_2019.pdf

This report provides the first state-wide assessment of Hawaii’s vulnerability to sea level rise and recommendations to reduce our exposure and sensitivity to sea level rise and increase our capacity to adapt. Hawaiʻi Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission, Prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc. and the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources, ...
Read More Hawaiʻi Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Report 2017

Hawaiʻi Sea Level Rise Viewer

Posted on Sep 6, 2023 in

This interactive tool is intended to provide an online atlas to support the Hawaiʻi Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Report and provide map data depicting projections for future hazard exposure and assessing economic and other vulnerabilities due to rising sea levels.   State of Hawaiʻi Sea Level Rise Viewer | PacIOOS (hawaii.edu)

A guide to long-term coastal zone management planning in Hawaiʻi, with reference to preserving heritage, promoting stewardship, and preparing for sea level rise and other climate change impacts.  

This guide seeks to help residents become more resilient in the face of natural disasters, like tropical storms, which are predicted to occur more frequently and become more intense as a result of climate change. Courtney, C.A; Gelino, K; Romine, B.M.; Hintzen, K.D.; Addonizio-Bianco, C.; Owens, T.M.; Lander, M.; and Buika, J. Prepared by Tetra ...
Read More Guidance for Disaster Recovery Preparedness in Hawaiʻi 2019

An in-depth look at strategies for shifting urban centers from vulnerable coastal areas in Hawaiʻi. The report contains background research on managed retreat and profiles areas in Hawaiʻi that need it most due to sea level rise and other coastal hazards.  

A supplement to the Hawaii Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Report and the Hawaii Sea Level Rise Viewer.  Intended to assist state and county planners, natural resource and infrastructure managers, and others on utilizing the Sea Level Rise Exposure Area (SLR-XA) from the Report and Finder in day to day planning and permitting decisions.

This guidance report assists local government planners to integrate sea level rise adaptation plans and policies into state, county, and community plans. This document considers science-based information and adaptation actions to address coastal hazards with sea level rise to make coastal communities more resilient and sustainable. Check out their project page HERE.

This report contains activities and progress related to the implementation of Act 178 Relating to Sea Level Rise Adaptation. It includes a discussion on an initial state facility inventory and exposure assessment, considerations for future assessments, and recommendations for next steps.

This document contains updates to the Sea Level Rise Adaptation 2021 Annual Report as is mandated by Act 178. It includes progress made toward sea level rise adaptation goals and recommends focus areas for the next 5 years.