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Grants-to-Projects Bridge

Climate action starts here!  If you have a climate resilience, mitigation, or adaptation project click the button below to submit your project to our Grants-To-Projects Bridge. We have already connected community, non-profit, county and state projects to funding opportunities and each other to leverage resources and share knowledge on creating a climate ready Hawai’i. 

Once you submit, we will:

  • Contact you to discuss your projects
  • Connect you with other potential collaborators working in the same area
  • If applicable, provide guidance to engage technical advisors to help develop concepts and projects
  • Help find funding pathways to implement projects

Note: Response times may be delayed for the upcoming months. Please continue to submit your projects and we will reach out as soon as possible. 


The Grants-to-Projects Bridge supports the Commission’s statement to help direct decision making and investments to priority climate-smart infrastructure in Hawaiʻi. Compiled here are state and county active transportation projects, and resilience projects for natural and working lands. Such projects support the Commission’s mission statement of a clean, equitable, and resilient Hawai’i.  Also included here is grants/funding information which may be useful in funding these and other projects. It is hoped that this resource will help make grant and project information more accessible to community members and government agencies, and coordinate funding to ensure these projects are completed and so, move us to a Climate Ready Hawaiʻi.  

This Provenance Document details what is included in our projects and grants spreadsheets, and why.

There are many types of climate change mitigation and adaptation projects from converting to EV fleets, to diverting waste from landfills, to green buildings and green infrastructure. CCMAC focuses on the following mitigation strategies:

  • Walkable Communities
  • Improved Transportation Options
  • Protecting Natural Lands
  • Vehicle Electrification
  • Green Renewable Energy
  • Circular Economics
  • Nature-based Solutions
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Regenerative Agriculture
  • Waste Prevention
  • Energy Incentives

Disclaimer: This information is intended to be used as a guide and resource for general informational purposes only.  Neither the State of Hawaii nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific projects, or organizations does not constitute or imply  endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the State of Hawaii government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the State of Hawaii government or any agency thereof.

Mahalo to our partners and colleagues who helped us build this bridge! 





Grants programs information was compiled through online research of federal and local resources. The projects in the Grants to Projects Bridge were compiled from established plans found online, and through discussions with State and County departments. Mahalo nui loa to the following institutions for their kōkua in pointing us in the right direction: