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2020 Conference Program

Day 1                       Hawaii’s Response: Implementation                                                                                                                                                                                                 
0800 – 0830Registration (Imin Center Lanai) & Coffee (downstairs banquet room)
0830 – 0845Oli & Mele (Watch Video Here)
Dr. Jon Osorio, Dean, Hawaiʻinuiakea School of Hawaiian Knowledge
University of Hawaiʻi, Mānoa
0845 – 0915Governor’s Welcome (Watch Video Here)
Governor David Ige
Introduction by Richard Vuylsteke, President, East-West Center
0915 – 0925Introduction to the Program (Watch Video Here)
MCs: Dr. Victoria Keener, Pacific RISA/EWC & Anukriti Hittle, DLNR
0925 – 0945State of the Commission: Report by Co-Chairs (Watch Video Here)
Suzanne Case, DLNR & Mary Alice Evans, Office of Planning
0945 – 1030Keynote Address – The Writing on the Wall: Conveying Difficult Messages  (Watch Video Here)
David Wallace-Wells, Deputy Editor, New York Magazine Introduction by Dr. John Marra, NOAA NESDIS National Centers for Environmental Information
1030 – 1045Coffee Break (downstairs banquet rooms)
1045 – 1130

Panel 1. Telling Stories: Hawaiʻi’s Scientists, Artists and Activists Respond to Keynote   (Watch Video Here)

Beth-Ann Kozlovich, Kahi Mohala

Dr. Noelani Puniwai, UH School of Hawaiian Knowledge
Solomon Enos, Native Hawaiian Artist
Kawika Pegram, Climate Strike Hawaiʻi

1130 – 1300Lunch (on your own) & Info Tables (Wailana banquet room)
1315 – 1430

Panel 2. Climate Ready Hawaiʻi: Adapting to Rising Seas (Watch Video Here)

Dr. Brad Romine, UH Sea Grant/OCCL & DLNR

Susan Love, DNREC, DE 
Kāʻaina Hull, Kauaʻi County Planning Dept.
Ed Sniffen, HDOT 
Barry Usagawa, Board of Water Supply
Nuin-Tara Key, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, CA

1430 – 1445Coffee Break (downstairs banquet rooms)
1455 – 1610

Panel 3. Climate Ready Hawaiʻi: Achieving Zero Carbon Mobility (Watch Video Here)

Richard Wallsgrove, UH Law School

Chris Yunker, Hawaiʻi State Energy Office
Aimee Barnes, California-China Climate Institute
CJ Johnson, Hawaiʻi Bicycling League
Jeremy Tarr, NC Governor’s Office

1610 – 1630Oral Public Testimony (Watch Video Here)
Day 2 From Research to Communication
0800 – 0900Registration (outside) & Coffee (Wailana banquet room)
0900 – 0910Welcome & Day’s Program 
MCs: Dr. Victoria Keener, Pacific RISA/EWC & Anukriti Hittle, DLNR
0915 – 1000Mini-Keynotes (Watch Video Here)
Jamie Stroble, King County Climate Action Team
Roger Sorkin, The American Resilience Project
1000 – 1015Coffee Break (Wailana banquet room)
1015 – 1200

Research Lightning Talks (Watch Video Here

Introduction by Dr. Makena Coffman, UH Dept. of Urban & Regional Planning

1020 – 1034  Dr. Sarah Wiebe: What Does it Mean to Declare a Climate Emergency? Why Narratives Matter in the Movement to Address Climate Change
1034 – 1048  Dr. Matthew Widlansky: Forecasting the Next Hot Summer and High Sea Levels for Hawaiʻi
1048 – 1100  Dr. Mehana Vaughn: Maikaʻi Kauaʻi, Hemolele i ka Mālie: Community Led Flood Recovery for Long-Term Resilience
1100 – 1114   Katherine McKenzie: Hawaiʻi’s Transition to Electric Vehicles: Impact on Fuel Use and Emissions
1114 – 1128   Kalisi Malusio: Growing Global Potential of the Indigenous Crop, Breadfruit, under Climate Change Scenarios
1128 – 1140   Dr. Daniel Ervin: Climate Change and Migration in the Pacific Region

1140 – 1200  Panel discussion and questions

1200 – 1330Lunch (on your own)
1230 – 1330

Mini Film Festival (Keoni Auditorium)

Introduction by Professor Scott Schimmel, UH School of Communications

Student Filmmakers:
Kammie Tavares: The Kūpuna Islands
Alexandra Bauer: Restoring Heʻeia
Anna Mikkelsen: The Last Coal Plant
Copeland Talkington: What Will You Do?
Cody Kaneshiro: Adventuring with an Electric Vehicle

1330 – 1500

Climate Change Messaging Workshops (Register for #1, #2, or #3

  1. Mixed Messages: The Media & Climate Change Science
  2. Stories of Strength and Vulnerability: Communicating Climate Change & Equity
  3. HighWaterLine: Art tells Climate Change Stories
1900 – 2030Public Address by Keynote Speaker (The Kahala Resort and Hotel, Maile Ballroom)


  • Conference hashtag for all social media: #HI_ClimateCon2020
  • Limited number of lunches free to those who arrive via clean transportation, while supplies last
  • Banquet rooms reserved for use by participants for lunch