
2020 Commission Meeting Schedule:

  • Wednesday, April 15th, 1-4pm, DLNR Boardroom *CANCELLED*
  • Wednesday, July 15th, 1-4pm, DLNR Boardroom
  • Wednesday, October 21st, 1-4pm, DLNR Boardroom

2020 Climate Conference: Monday and Tuesday, January 13-14

DateMeeting MaterialsSupplemental Materials
Item 2. June 5 2024 Commission Meeting Minutes
Item 3. Presentation from CCMAC Permitted Interaction Group on CCMAC Workplan
Item 4. Presentation on Year of Climate Action (non-action item) Discussion
Item 2. February 7, 2024 Draft Minutes
Item 6. Presentation on the Statewide Climate and Health Vulnerability Assessment
Item 8. Update on the Environmental Protection Agency Climate Pollution Reduction Grant awarded to CCMAC for Climate Action Planning
Item 9. Coordinator's Update
Item 2. November 8, 2023 Draft Minutes
Item 5. Presentation on the Statewide Decarbonization Strategy
Item 6. Update on the EPA Grant for CCMAC
Item 2. August 10, 2023 Draft Minutes
Item 3. CCMAC Annual Report to the Legislature
Item 4. Climate and Health Legislative Report
Item 2. Minutes of the Meeting of the Climate Commission June 22, 2023
Item 2. Minutes of the Meeting of the Climate Commission February 16, 2023
Item 3. Minutes of the Meeting of the Climate Commission July 20, 2022
Item 3. Minutes of the Meeting of the Climate Commission October 19, 2022
Item 4. Hawaii-Climate-Change-Report-FY23
Item 5. Sea Level Rise Adaptation and Vulnerability Report 2022
Item 1. July 20, 2022 Draft Minutes
Item 1. April 6, 2022 Draft Minutes
Item 2. Legislative Updates Presented by Representative Nicole Lowen
Item 3. Speaker Presentation: Climate Change Commission Five Year Review, Mary Alice Evans, Office of Planning and Sustainable Development
Item 4. Speaker Presentation: Tree Canopy Viewer, Heather McMillan and Brayden Aki, Department of Land and Natural Resources
Item 5. Speaker Presentation: Sea Level Rise, Ben Hamlington, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Item 6. Speaker Presentation: Coordinator's Update, Leah Laramee, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Commission
Item 2. November 1, 2021 Draft Minutes
Item 6. Oahu MPO Testimony
Item 6. CCH DTS Testimony
November 1, 2021 Draft Minutes
Item 2. July 19, 2021 Draft Minutes
Item 3. Our Drowning Voices Day Proclamation
Item 4. HI Impact Actions: Hawai‘i’s commitments to addressing the global climate crisis
Item 6. Climate Ready Hawaiʻi VISTA Cohort Year 1 Report

July 19, 2021 Minutes
Item 2. April 7, 2021 Draft Minutes
Item 3. Draft statement on climate ready Hawaiʻi
Speaker Presentation: Report on the Vehicle Economy, Kathleen Rooney, Ulupono Initiative
Speaker Presentation: Vision Zero: Safety, accessibility, and Climate Change, Chris "CJ" Johnson, DOH - Public Health Program
Speaker Presentation: Information on Transportation Infrastructure Spending in the FFYs 2022-2025 Transportation Improvement Program, Nicole Cernohorsky, Oʻahu MPO
Speaker Presentation: Climate Adaptation Design Principles for Urban Development, Harrison Rue, CC Honolulu Dept. of Planning and Permitting
Speaker Presentation: Climate Change & Sea Level Rise Impacts on Chemical Contamination, Marianne Rossio, DOH
April 7, 2021 Minutes
Item 2. October 28, 2020 Draft Minutes
Item 4. Carbon Pricing Assessment for Hawaii: Economic and Greenhouse Gas Impacts, Draft Final Report.
Item 5. Nature-Based Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change in Hawaiʻi. A Climate Ready Hawaiʻi Working Paper
Public Testimony
Speaker Presentation: Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Legislation Considered by the 2021 Legislature, Rep. Nicole Lowen, Rep. David Tarnas, Sen. Mike Gabbard
Speaker Presentation: Carbon Tax Assessment for Hawai‘i Economic and Greenhouse Gas Impacts, Dr. Makena Coffman
Speaker Presentation: Hawaiʻi Climate Exchange, Christian Giardina and Leah Laramee
October 28, 2020 Minutes
Item 2. May 13, 2020 Draft Minutes
Support for Items 3.I.a and 3.I.b
Final Statement for Item 3.I.a
Final Statement for Item 3.I.b
Final Statement for Item 3.II
Item 3 I a Guidance for Addressing Sea Level Rise in Community Planning in HI
Item 3 I b Guidance for Using the Sea Level Rise Exposure Area in Local Planning and Permitting Decisions
Speaker Presentation: Adaptation Planning, Cole Roberts, ARUP Consulting
Speaker Presentation: Guidance for Addressing Sea Level Rise in Community Planning in Hawaii, Dr. Brad Romine and Dr. Shellie Habel
Speaker Presentation: Guidance for Using the Sea Level Rise Exposure Area in Local Planning
Speaker Presentation: Sustainable Transportation Coalition of Hawai'i, Lauren Reichelt, LEED Green Associate
Speaker Presentation: Electrical Vehicle Fossil Fuel Use and Emissions in Hawai'i, Katherine McKenzie, Hawai'i Natural Energy Institute
Speaker Presentation: The Under 2Coalition and Carbon Disclosure Project, Scott Glenn, Chief Energy Officer
Speaker Presentation: Hawai'i Transportation System GHG Reducation, Pradip Pant, Hawai'i Department of Transportation
Speaker Presentation: Carbon Tax Analysis for Hawai'i, Makena Coffman, UHERO
May 13, 2020 Minutes
Item 3. Briefing Document
Item 4. November 6, 2019 Draft Minutes
January 13, 2020 Draft Minutes
Public Testimony
Speaker Presentation: Climate Change and Post-COVID Economy, Beth Giesting, Hawaii Budget and Policy Center
Speaker Presentation: A Green New Deal For City and Suburban Transportation, Beth Osborne, Transportation for America
Speaker Presentation: Building Bridges, Not Walking on Backs: A Feminist Recovery Plan for COVID-19, Kealoha Fox, Hawaii State Commission on the Status of Women
1/13/2020January 13, 2020 MinutesAll Meeting Materials Are Available at the 2020 Conference Website
November 6, 2019 Minutes
September 4, 2019 Draft Minutes
Draft statement on Climate Equity
HECO Electrification of Transportation for Public Fleets
DOFAW Carbon Sequestration Natural & Working Lands
September 4, 2019 Minutes
Item 2: July 17, 2019 Draft Minutes
Item 4 Proposed statement on Climate Change Legislation
Item 5a EV presentation Lauren Reichelt
Item 5c Proposed statement on Fleet Transition
Item 6b Matt Gonser C+C update
Item 7 Report of PIG onClimate Equity FINAL
Testimony from Bikeshare Hawaii
July 17, 2019 Minutes
Item 2: April 24, 2019 Draft Minutes
Item 4a: Presentation - Hawaii Climate Commission Disaster Recovery Preparedness
Item 4a: Report - HI Disaster Recovery Preparedness Guidance
Item 4b: Draft statement on disaster recovery
Item 5: Report of PIG on Climate Legislation for 2020
Item 6: Report of PIG on Public Fleets
April 24, 2019 Minutes
November 27, 2018 Minutes
January 14, 2019 Minutes
Green House Gas Inventory Report - DOH
Hawai`i 3.2 Climate Adaptation Program - OCCL
Managed Retreat Report - CZM
Maui County Update
Kaua`i County Update
A Just Transition- Climate Justice in Hawaii
DOT Presentation
Hawai`i County Update
City & County of Honolulu Update
1/14/2019See Conference Website for all meeting materialsDraft Minutes
11/27/2018AgendaDraft Minutes
DRP Guidance Draft - Executive Summary Presentation
Aviation Emissions Presentation
Aina Summit Report Presentation
NBS Legislation Presentation
Mandatory Disclosure Legislation Presentation
September 4, 2018 Minutes
Statement on Ground Transportation Emissions Reductions for Climate Commission Consideration
Supporting Materials for Climate Commission's Statement on Ground Transportation Emissions Reductions
Proposed Updates to Disclaimers in the Hawai`i Sea Level Report and Hawai`i Sea Level Rise Viewer
Findings of the Permitted Interaction Group on Ground Transportation
Guidance Regarding Climate Change Adaptation Actions
5/22/20185/22/18 Minutes


Legislative Update. Video.
The Carbon Budget, Blue Planet Foundation presentation. Video.
Discussion. Video.
Various Presentations. Video.
Transportation Discussion. Video.
Adaptation and Implementation of SLR Recommendations. Video.
Video Part 1
Video Part 2
Video Part 1
Video Part 2
Video Part 3